I spent a week in California. A couple of days in San Francisco, then a drive down the coast to Morro Bay for a surprise summer camp birthday party. It was all wonderful. Except that my knees would not let me walk for any distance at all. Which is not good in SF.
This the the courtyard at Katy's house where I stayed. Dylan lives in the downstairs appartment and had a cookout the first night I was there. He has some delightful friends, and sitting around the fire in the jasmine scented garden was lovely.

I spent a day at the DeYoung museum in Golden Gate Park, which was also beautiful. The sculpture garden and tower view of the city , and an exhobit of clay and glass works were most memorable.
Friday I picked up a rental car and drove down Route 1, stopping frequently to enjoy the views and buy fresh fruit at farm stands - apricots, cherries, strawberries.

Finally reached Morro Bay and the campground where Noelle and Eleanor and a jolly group of freinds were setting up. I pitched my tiny little cocoon of a tent, which turned out to be perfect and comfy, and we all enjoyed ourselves waiting for the birthday boy.

There was an elaborate throne and crown, beer, glitter,harp music, and more.
I do believe the other campers thought we were a cult.
More pictures at: